Thursday, August 26, 2010

Post #1: August 26, 2010.


はじめまして。ゴンザレス です。

The first time I was interested in anything culturally Japanese, was when I was a child who played Pokemon. Also, I would watch other anime such as Sailor Moon, Tenchi in Tokyo, and InuYasha. During high school, I watched many Japanese Dramas. My favorites are Crying Out Love in the Center of the World, One Litre of Tears, Koizora, and Taiyou no Uta. I suggest that you all take the time to watch at least one of those! Ever since watching these dramas, I got more and more interested in Japanese culture. 

Just recently, during my senior year, students from a high school in Japan visited my high school. As part of a reward for graduating, they got to go to America and visit many places, such as an American high school. It was very fun and interesting to meet and (attempt to) converse with them in very broken English. I think that this experience solidified my desire to learn Japanese in college.

Also, I think it would be interesting to include that I went with a friend to a Japanese restaurant and ate sushi, two days ago. It was pretty good, kind of different from how I've had it made in California. If you guys want to try it, the place is called Mikado. It's only 2.5 miles from campus.



  1. しゃしん(photo)は とても たのしい(fun)です。ありがとう。

  2. こんばんは ゴンザレッさん。That's so neat you got to meet にほんじん at your high school! Where is your home in California? ポケモン,はい!Did you own あかい or あおい version? From my experience, and counter-intuitively Martin's supermarket actually has the freshest sushi in the area - in my opinion.

  3. I haven't tried Mikado yet. I would be willing to go on a すし run with you sometime!

  4. コんばんわ! Are you in the Japan club? You should definitely hit them up if you aren't. We do all kinds of cool stuff like sushi crawls, and Mikado might need to be added to the list if it isn't already!

  5. I live in Thousand Oaks, which is an hour north of Los Angeles. Also, I'll have to try out this supermarket of yours.

    David, yeah I plan on joining the Japan club! Do you know Tanya Alconcel?

  6. Meeting students from Japan sounds so cool! I had Korean students come to my high school, but I didn't get that much of a chance to interact with them, but it looks like you guys had a lot of fun in those pictures.

  7. You live in thousand oaks? Nice ha I live in fullerton. That food looks bomb man

  8. It's been a long time since I have had すし. What is the place called that you found around here?

  9. Wowww. I live in Westlake Village, on Westlake Blvd., like minutes from you. CRaazzay! You eat sushi at Yamato's!?! oishii desuka.
