Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Post #4: September 24 Weekend.

せんしゅうの しゅうまつ、フットボールゲームを みました。でも、ぼくは (2nd Quarter)に きました。きんようびのばん、 パアチを しました。たまごちのうちで パアチが ありました。どようび、わたしも パアチに いきました。せんしゅうの にちようび、としょかんで にほんごのてすとうを べんきょしました。そして ぼくわ しゅくだいを しました。

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Post #3: September 15, 2010.

まいあさ、ぼくは おきます くじ。
こんあさ、ぼくは あさごはんをたべません。
つぎ、そう くらすに きます。 ごごよじ、ぼくは うちへかえります。
ぼくは ねます ごごじゅういちじ。

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Post #2: September 5, 2010 (Continued).

Another Japanese artist I forgot to mention, of whom I'm sure you're all familiar, is Utada Hikaru. The songs I enjoy in particular are Simple and Clean, Sanctuary, and First Love.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Post #2: September 5, 2010.

はじめまして。ぼくは ゴンザレス です。
フィリピンじん です。いち ねんせい です。
せんこうは せいじがく と えいご です。
どうぞ よろしく。

I really like the way that the Japanese language sounds, especially when it's being sung. I first started listening to Japanese artists ever since I heard some of their songs from the J-dramas I watched. The artists I listen to the most are Remioromen and The Blue Hearts. Of course, I don't understand what is being sung, but I still like the way everything sounds. And for the songs I listen to, I always look up the lyrics.

I love the way that many of the song's lyrics are written. They're all very poetic. I think that, being an English major, I really appreciate these artists' music for their rhetoric. I suggest you listen to the song "3 Gatsu 9 ka" by Remioromen. Here's a nice acoustic cover of the song that I like very much. March 9th.
Also, here are the lyrics to that song.

Another thing that I love about Japan are cherry blossom trees. I think they're very beautiful, and would love to see them some day in Japan while they're in season. The last time I went to Washington D.C., I saw cherry blossoms while they were in full bloom. But even then, in real life, they didn't measure up to the Japanese cherry blossoms that I've seen only in pictures.