Thursday, October 7, 2010

Post #6: October 7, 2010.

きょう、にほんごじゅぎょう いきませんでした。 =(. I hate it because I feel like I've been doing a lot better recently. Anyways, きのうのばん、 I had stayed up until ごぜんしちじに finishing a paper because on かようび my せんせい moved the due date to earlier. ぼくは ねました straight through my alarms and my roommate decided to shut them off without waking me.

でも it will be fine. I finished my paper and now I'm pretty much done with work. ごぜん じゅうにじごろ ねます、which will give me some sleep that I really need. Most likely, あした あさごはんをたべます!=)

On a side note, I am very excited to go back home to California. 「カリフォリニア かえります。」It will be a good feeling to celebrate my birthday (October 17th) back with my family and friends! The principal from my high school has asked me to visit. I will be dropping by some classes, telling students about my college experience, and encouraging them to consider applying to ノートルダムのだいがく。

わたしのともだちが あります。


  1. たいへんですれ, but it will get better!!! こんしゃうは a difficult one, but what I always tell my ともだち is that after one bad week, らいしゃう will be better. It's so exciting to うち かえります! わたしは せんしゃう うち かえります to see かぞこ と ともだち who were on やすみ, which helped me stop stressing about school and go back ready to attack the workload.

    Have a good time at home! :)

  2. おはよお ございます! カリフニア の Buena Park からきまして。Where in California are you from?? It is great that you are going to be able to celebrate your たんじょうび at うち。That should also be a great break from all your しょくだい。How do you like ノートルダムのだいがく?? さよおなら!
